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Thursday, 10 August 2017

The Boxler - Packing box plane

For years I have wanted to make a plane from an RC plane polystyrene packing box.

In the recent Hobby King sale I bought a Bix3, so here was my opportunity to give this project a go.

For speed and simplicity I decided to make a simple 3 channel motor glider with no ailerons. I covered the foam with packing tape and used fibre reinforced tape like spars on the wing and fuselage. I also decided to try a flat wing with no airfoil and dihedral tips.

This video shows the build from start to finish.

Here's the maiden flight which went better than expected.

I then made a hot-wire cut Clark Z airfoil wing to compare to the flat wing.

The airfoil wing had a much better glide slope and smoother flight performance.

Here are some mad wing tests using the flat and Clark Z wings.

Dimensions in cm

Length 100cm
Flying weight 590g
with 1300 3S Lipo
Motor 2822 1450kv
7" x 4" prop


  1. Hello sir..
    What is I used 1000 kv motor.. I am using it but it is not leafting....

    1. Sounds like you are not getting enough thrust. Need a bigger prop or higher voltage battery or higher kV motor.

    2. can i use br2830 1300kv for this plane?
